Banks, COMMUNITY, News

There’s a new crosswalk in town

A new crosswalk across from the Banks Middle School and Banks High School is in place, and it’s a new variety, possibly unfamiliar to Banks drivers and pedestrians.

The concept is simple: There’s a button. A pedestrian pushes the button to cross, activating a light.

Motorists are legally required to stop to allow the pedestrian to walk across the road.

Those are the basics.

Shortly after it was in place, this journalist tried it out and witnessed numerous motorists ignoring the flashing lights, blowing through the crosswalk while I attempted to cross the road.

Because the crosswalk is largely in an area used by students and school staff, it’s especially important that Banks motorists learn the system.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for pedestrians and motorists sent out by the city of Banks.

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Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.

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