The city of Banks will kick off their holiday festivities with the annual tree lighting ceremony at Greenville Park Sunday at 6:30 p.m.
Featuring a visit from Santa, music, and refreshments, the event will be held at the gazebo “rain or shine,” the city promised.
Greenville Park is located at 41905 NW Arborpark Loop in the Arbor Village development.
Arbor Day in November

The city of Banks celebrated Arbor Day five months early on Thursday, planting four trees at Greenville Park.
“Arbor Day is traditionally celebrated in April, but the City of Banks holds our event in the fall to provide the new trees a better chance to get established in the fall and winter months,” an email from City Recorder Angie Lanter read.
“Thank you to EF Nursery in Forest Grove for their generous donation of the trees, and a special thank you to our public works staff for their work in planting the trees today,” the city said.
The city planted three Ironwood trees (Parrotia persica) and one Red Maple (Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’) with city dignitaries including Mayor Stephanie Jones, Library Directory Denise Holmes, and Recreation and Tree Board Member Mitty Brady on hand to mark the occasion.
Join the Tree Board
Want to be involved in all things trees in the city of Banks?
The five-member Park, Recreation and Tree Board is one of several citizen boards and commissions in the city seeking applicants to serve their fellow citizens.
Those interested should contact City Recorder Angie Lanter at [email protected] or call 503-324-5112.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.