The December 2023 Banks Police Log is presented here as written and delivered to the Banks City Council on January 9 2024. We’ve also provided the verbal report delivered by Deputy Frank Ward isolated from the rest of city council meeting audio and included it here for your listening pleasure as well. The verbal portion includes more detail from an earlier story we published regarding a reckless driver in Banks who was halted with the help of spike strips and a PIT maneuver on Main Street, among other topics.
Violation of Stalking Order – NW Jarvis Pl – A female reported that her ex-boyfriend had violated a valid stalking order 11 times over the past 2.5 years. The suspect sent at least 11 text messages over the time period since the stalking order was served. The suspect turned himself in to the jail and was lodged.
Fraud – NW Main St – A male subject passed 8 fake $100 bills at Banks Billiards. Once the employee recognized that the bills were fake, they immediately called 911. Deputy Pope responded quickly but the suspect had already fled, leaving his truck behind. Deputy Pope was able to identify the suspect through known police databases and community help. Another deputy was able to catch up to the suspect and take him into custody on charges of forgery.
Suspect Contact – NW Main St – A deputy working graveyard shift was on routine patrol and driving through Banks. The deputy saw a vehicle parked on Main St that belongs to a suspect in a stolen vehicle case. The deputy stopped with the vehicle and recognized the driver as being the suspect of the case. The suspect was taken into custody on probable cause from another deputy.
Tow – NW Main St – A vehicle was towed after it crashed down the embankment behind/next to the Shell Station. The driver left the vehicle there with the front of the vehicle in the running water running along the ditch. Hillsboro Towing was ordered to take possession of the vehicle.
Pursuit – NW Main St – In the very early morning hours, dispatch notified deputies working the graveyard shift of a vehicle that had eluded two agencies on the coast. The vehicle was last seen at an extremely high rate of speed eastbound on Hwy 26. A deputy spotted the vehicle at about NB Hwy 47/Hwy 26 and began to pursue the vehicle as well as radioed ahead to other deputies that had begun to saturate the area. Another deputy was positioned at about Hwy 26 and NW Chrysler Dr and was able to successfully spike strip the tires of the vehicle. The pursuing deputy saw the vehicle take HWY 47 southbound toward Banks. Another deputy that was set up at Hwy 47 and NW Crepes Rd deployed their spike strips and was able to successfully spike the tires of the fleeing vehicle. The vehicle continued fleeing south into Banks. The vehicle was forced to slow down due to the damaged and disabled tires. Deputies were able to PIT the vehicle right in front of the IN and Out Market in town. The driver was taken into custody for elude and a passenger in the vehicle was taken into custody on outstanding warrants.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.