As presented by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office to the Banks City Council Tuesday, November 8.
Domestic Disturbance – NW Jarvis Pl – A boyfriend and girlfriend got into an argument. During the argument, the boyfriend took possession of the urn of his girlfriend’s deceased mother, removed the lid and acted as though he was going to urinate in the urn. The girlfriend then grabbed an object and hit the boyfriend with it to keep him from desecrating the ashes and urn. The boyfriend was later taken into custody for violating a signed release agreement and no contact order with the girlfriend. The boyfriend was transported to the Washington County Jail where he was lodged.
Disorderly Conduct – NW Main St – A local restaurant called to report that an extremely intoxicated male was inside, spitting on the floor, drinking alcohol he had brought in and refusing to leave. Deputies arrived on scene and contacted the male outside on the patio area of the location. Deputies noted that the subject was in fact extremely intoxicated. The male was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and transported to the Washington County Jail where he was lodged.
Burglary – NW Main St – In the very early morning hours, deputies were dispatched to a burglary in progress. Deputies arrived in minutes and contained the location and noticed that the front door of the business had been smashed in. After searching the business, they found that the suspect(s) had fled the scene prior to the arrival of the deputies. An extensive area search was done but was not fruitful.
Traffic Crash – NW Main St – In the early morning hours, deputies were dispatched to a report of an injury crash. Deputies arrived on scene and found a single vehicle had left the roadway and crashed into a house. Deputies spoke with the single occupant of the vehicle and determined the driver was intoxicated and asked for a deputy specializing in DUII investigations to respond. The driver was taken into custody for DUII, Reckless Driving and Criminal Mischief. Due to the mechanism of injury from the crash, the driver was cited for the aforementioned crimes.
Warrant Service – NW Depot St – Deputies were dispatched to a subject acting erratically. Deputies arrived on scene and contacted the subject. Deputies learned the subject had valid warrants for their arrest. The subject was taken into custody on the warrants, transported to the Washington County Jail where they were lodged.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.