Banks Fire District, COMMUNITY, News

Banks Fire pancake breakfast is March 10

A long-standing community tradition, the Annual Banks Fire Volunteer Community Breakfast will be held Sunday, March 10 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Banks Fire Station.

Funds raised from the event go to the Banks Volunteer Firefighter Association to cover the costs of the pancake breakfast, Captain Sean McGonigal said.

Each year, about 70 volunteers come together to put on the event.

“Any excess will go into our general fund to be used for things such as scholarship, the adopted Christmas families, and other ways to give back to the community,” he added.

At the breakfast, the prices are: adults $7, seniors $6, and children — up to age 12 — $5.
The menu includes pancakes (gluten free option available) OR biscuits & gravy, sausage OR ham, eggs, coffee, milk OR juice.

Only cash and checks will be accepted as payment.

Volunteers host a number of projects throughout the year outside their firefighting and emergency medical services, including a “Letters to Santa” program, a program to supply Christmas gifts and food to low income Banks-area families, scholarship opportunities, and a school supply drive.

More information can be found on the association’s website at

In addition to the breakfast, various community groups and other public safety organizations usually run tables with information about their activities in the Banks region.

Participants can view the station, apparatus, and firefighting equipment, and the district said rides in a fire truck would be offered this year.

A Facebook event page was established which includes further information about the event.

The Banks Fire Station is located at 13430 NW Main Street in Banks. More information about the operation of the Banks Fire District, which has stations in Banks, Buxton and Timber, can be found online at

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Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.

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