Banks, Government, News

City hall to close for renovations

Banks City Hall will close for renovations February 17, 2023, in preparation for building renovations. According to a press release from the city, the construction will start on Feb. 21 and the building will remain closed for 6-8 weeks.

Renovations include raising the ceilings of the city hall offices and making improvements to the building’s ventilation systems.

During this time staff members will be available by phone or email. Any in person office visits will need to be scheduled ahead of time with a staff member. 

The city council chambers will also be closed and any regularly scheduled meetings will be held remotely instead of the usual hybrid of virtual and in-person attendance. Visit the city of Banks website to get more information on when these meetings will take place and how to access them.

Contact the city of Banks by phone at 503-324-5112.

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My name is Jake Moore. I was born and raised here in Banks, Oregon, and have recently returned home after completing my Bachelor of Arts in Journalism at the University of Oregon. During my time in Eugene I wrote for the student run paper the Daily Emerald as a senior news reporter and served as a reporting intern at Eugene Weekly. I look forward to working with community members and reporting on local news.
Contact me at [email protected].

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