In this column, we take a look back one hundred years ago in western Washington County. This week, the clips come from the Washington County News-Times and the Hillsboro Argus editions published June 7, 1923.
Want more local history? Visit the Banks Historical Society online at for Banks-area history, and Friends of Historic Forest Grove, which often works in the Gales Creek area, online at

“An injunction suit involving the expenditure of $1,200 of a special road tax fund in District No. 16, Gales Creek, has been filed in circuit court by plaintiff C.M. Harthorn. Harthorn alleges he has 520 acres of land above Gales Creek and that the voters at the special road meeting last November voted to place $1,200 of the money voted on the Clearwater Road from the Forest Grove water works intake to the Gales Creek Road.
He also alleges that the road foreman J.V. Heisler should be directed by the court to place the work on that particular section of the road as above designated
Harthorn alleges that the report to the county court is not in concordance with the action of the road meeting. The district levied ten mills and the $1,200 is only a fraction the assessment. Harthorn alleges that the money should be spent where designated-and it begins to look as though it will be a question of evidence as to whether the report sets forth the action of the meeting correctly. As it is a matter of importance that work be done soon it is quite likely that the matter will be at issue in short order. Gales Creek has pioneered in rock roads ahead of all other sections in the county.”

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.