Column | COVID-19: Building a Self-Quarantine Kit

Erica Harold-Heine

Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirusOregon Health Authority resourcesWashington County resourcesOregonian reporting on the coronavirusOPB glossary of coronavirus termsNYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus

Erica Harold-Heine, a Banks resident, holds a B.S. in Homeland Security & Emergency Management. While she serves as a Banks city councilor, Harold-Heine noted that her views reflected here do not represent any policy of the city of Banks nor the city council.

Right now, everyone is really worried about who is infected; could I become infected or I am confirmed as an infected person? This then lends one to think of all of the things that they may need during a self-imposed or imposed quarantine. Whether we are dealing with a quarantine, earthquake, flood and or landslide; having plenty of food, water and medicine and any other necessary supplies needed to weather a disaster is important. Have an emergency kit that supports your whole family.

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Here are some good supplies to have for this pandemic and other possible disasters from

1. Have a basic disaster kit: 

a. Water: 1 gallon per person and some for pets per day 

b. Food: Non-perishable for at least 3 days per person and pets (State of Oregon says at least 14 days)

c. Radio: battery powered or hand crank radio with a NOAA Weather Radio tone alert 

d. Light: flashlight 

e. First Aid kit 

f. Extra batteries for all above mentioned items 

g. Whistle to signal for help 

h. Dust Mask and plastic sheeting with duct tape to shelter in place 

i. Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation 

j. Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities 

k. Manual can opener 

l. Local maps, cell phone charger and a backup battery

2. Prescription medication to include pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medication, antacids or laxatives

3. For this quarantine if you need a mask the N95 is the type you would want.

4. Other advice from the CDC is if you are are sick, stay in a specific room and away from others, avoid sharing personal items like dishes, towels and bedding. Use just one bathroom and clean all surfaces that are often touched regularly.

Stay safe out there and do your best to self-distance. We never know who is vulnerable and we do not know who could be sick and they/we don’t know it.

Information in this article was directly pulled from, the CDC and Oregon Emergency Management. 

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