Elections, HD32, letter to the editor

Letters to the Editor: House District 32

Now is the time to vote for our community of House District 32 and not for just a rubber stamp of Portland politicians. Suzanne Weber has my support and my vote because she will always STAND UP for the North Coast.

I am a proud member of United Steelworkers Local 1097 and have worked in the paper sector for over 28 years. I am also the President of the Astoria chapter (North Coast Labor Federation) of the AFL-CIO. In this role, I have worked with Debbie Boothe-Schmidt and know her roots run deep in our community and that she works hard for the labor movement. However, I don’t believe it is her time.

Portland politicians are pushing good manufacturing jobs like mine out of state. At this time, we need a representative that will fight for the North Coast way of life and has a proven track record like Suzanne.

As the mayor of Tillamook, Suzanne has kept true to our North Coast value while still helping the community grow.

This is why I will be voting for Suzanne Weber this November.

Mike Smith, Knappa, Oregon.

Send a letter to the editor at [email protected] with your name, address, and phone number (will not be published) on issues, news, and items of concern in the community. Please keep it between 100-350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, spelling, and punctuation errors.

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