
The primaries: A look at George Kiepke, candidate for Oregon House District 32

Photo: George Kiepke, courtesy George Kiepke. Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus.  George Kiepke (D-Astoria) is running for office at one of the more difficult times to do so on any level in[Read More…]

The primaries: A look at Suzanne Weber, candidate for Oregon House District 32

Suzanne Weber. Photo courtesy of the Suzanne Weber campaign TILLAMOOK – Tillamook Mayor Suzanne Weber likes to share that she grew up in Orr, Minnesota, a little town of 250-or-so people about four hours north of Minneapolis. After finishing college and teaching elementary education there for three years, and following[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor: Elect George Kiepke

Photo: George Kiepke, courtesy George Kiepke. Elect George Kiepke, Oregon House Representative District 32. Healthy environment. Healthy economies. Healthy communities. We must address the pressing issues, we need independent, thoughtful leaders focused on common sense and shared values. Strong families build strong economies. Working families need secure family and living[Read More…]

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