Buxton, Events, News

Stub Stewart State Park to host community fair June 3

State Parks Day is June 3, and to celebrate, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department is waiving day-use and parking fees June 3 and 4 at the 25 parks across the state that charge them.

Included in that number is Stub Stewart State Park, north of Buxton.

OPRD will also waive camping fees on June 3 for all tent, RV and horse campsites.

Also part of the festivities at Stub Stewart will be the “Stub Stewart Community Fair,” held Saturday, June 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

There, the Friends of Stub Stewart State Park will have booths and tables set up around the park’s Welcome Center “dedicated to local fire departments, state forestry agencies, and volunteer organizations,” an event page read. Free snacks and refreshments were promised, as were arts and crafts activities and interpretive displays.

“Oregon has one of the best state parks systems in the country, and it’s because you have invested in parks, cared for them and preserved them for everyone to enjoy. Thank you,” said OPRD Director Lisa Sumption.

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Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.

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