Washington County marked National Voter Registration Day with a reminder to make a plan to vote in the upcoming General Election.
In a press release issued jointly Tuesday, county election officials, along with Clackamas, Marion, Multnomah, and Yamhill counties, encouraged voters to take action with a three-step voting plan in advance of an Oct. 15 voter registration deadline.
Here’s what they said:
- Check your voter registration status and make sure your information is up to date at oregonvotes.gov. Voters should update their voter registration any time they move, change their residence or mailing address, change their name, or want to change their party affiliation. The voter registration deadline for online registration is Tuesday, October 15 at 11:59 p.m.
- Sign up for a ballot tracking service. As a voter in these five counties, you can sign up to receive Track Your Ballot alerts via text, phone, or email, so you know when your ballot has been mailed to you. After you vote and return your ballot, you will be notified when it has been received and accepted for counting by your county elections office. Voters can sign up for this FREE service at ballottrax.net/voter or learn more by visiting your county elections website listed below.
- Make a plan to VOTE! Elections officials will begin to mail ballots to voters on Wednesday, October 16. Get prepared and make a plan that includes when you will receive your ballot, when and where you will vote, and how you will be returning your ballot. Ballots can be mailed or returned to any Official Ballot Drop Site in the state. To find the closest drop site near you visit oregonvotes.gov. Voted ballots must be mailed with a valid postmark or returned to an Official Ballot Drop Site by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
“For every election, County elections officials go to great lengths to ensure the integrity, accuracy, transparency, and security of the election process ensuring that all the federal, state, and local elections we administer are accessible and secure for all voters in our counties,” the counties added.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.