Elections, HD32, letter to the editor

Letter To The Editor: You Are Moving Here For A Reason

Letter to the Editor from Cynthia Malkowski, a Seaside resident.

To those of you who are moving to the North Coast in order to flee unrest and high taxation, I would like to ask you to kindly vote for candidates this November who will continue to protect the peaceful quality of life that attracted you to our area.

These candidates are people who are loyal to local, collaborative neighbor-to-neighbor politics. They are not candidates whose loyalty lies with a fully-financed, outside Portland agenda.

The ‘case study’ regarding the recent shameful betrayal of our local union workers by Debbie Boothe-Schmidt should be a cautionary tale for anyone new to our area who may wonder for whom to vote in the next election.

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If you are not familiar with this, please research this. Boothe-Schmidt’s betrayal and her loyalty to the “Portland Agenda” clearly demonstrate the threat to our way of life here on the coast.

We do not want Astoria or Tillamook to become Portland. Boothe-Schmidt’s cautionary tale should warn you to consider your previous voting patterns and the way that those patterns created an environment that compelled you to leave your home and to move here. Don’t repeat those patterns here.

This November, please connect the dots and have the courage to consider a new way of looking at local politics. Vote to protect the reasons that attracted you to move here by voting for candidates that clearly demonstrate loyalty to protecting our way of life in this, our most cherished part of the world.

Send a letter to the editor at [email protected] with your name, address, and phone number (will not be published) on issues, news, and items of concern in the community. Please keep it between 100-350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, spelling, and punctuation errors.

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