letter to the editor, opinion, politics

Letter to the Editor: Why Kristi Wilson belongs on the PCC Board of Directors

Deanna Palm is a Hillsboro resident and a former Zone 7 PCC Director

When I think of Kristi Wilson, many qualities come to mind: A tireless worker with nearly two decades of experience and public service in Washington County. A champion in advancing career opportunities for youth and adults. A professional with a can-do spirit who developed programs such as the Hillsboro Youth Advisory Council, a robust paid internship program, and who supported the Portland Community College Future Connect program. 

These are exactly the qualities the PCC board of directors needs, and why she should be the next director of Zone 7, which serves Hillsboro, Forest Grove, North Plains, Cornelius, Gaston, Vernonia and Banks. As a former director of Zone 7 from 2009-2019, I recognize the value of having a deep connection to the community you serve, and Kristi has a body of work that demonstrates that.

In addition, Kristi understands the value of creating clear pathways to livable-wage jobs from her lived experience as an alumni of PCC and her extensive experience with K-12 and postsecondary career and college pathway programs. She currently serves on career technical education advisory committees and works with community partners to implement initiatives that close the opportunity gap and increase economic mobility.

As Oregon residents recover from the impacts of the pandemic, her perspective will be a critical asset to the board as PCC reimagines structures to support historically underserved residents and strive for equitable student success. 

Wilson, a PCC success story, will only bolster that reputation as the director of Zone 7 on PCC’s board and is worthy of your vote this May.

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