letter to the editor, utilities, WOEC

Letter to the editor: West Oregon Electric Co-op elections

The West Oregon Electric Co-op offices in Vernonia. Photo: Chas Hundley

You will soon be receiving your invitation to West Oregon Electrics annual meeting. This year they are celebrating the 75th year anniversary. You will also be asked to vote for 2 Board Member positions in District 2 and District 5. Every vote will count and is, as with any vote, extremely important. A 75 year history, something to be proud of. Rural America needed the Co-op system to get electrified. It worked then, not discounting the need. The question to be asked is, is this the type of management to run this Co-op for the next 75 years? Do we stay the status quo? Do we continue to absorb the inevitable increases in our rates? Do we stay the most expensive utility in the State of Oregon?

Or do we vote in some new Board of Directors with some fresh ideas, talent and abilities needed to do the job of considering the welfare of the paying member-owners! You will receive your ballots at the end of July. Read the biographies of the candidates. Decide who has the history and knowledge to help make the necessary changes needed.

Remember, the Co-op is not accountable to any state or federal organization, only to the Board of Director you vote into office! If we don’t do something different, things that are unsustainable will stay the same. Is this what you want? Remember, member-owners are the only entity with the power to initiate change. I can’t tell you how to vote, but I can introduce you to two people who can, from the knowledge of the candidates initiate change. A vote for JENNIFER JOHNSTON District 5, And DAVE CRAWFORD District 2 is a vote for change!! You decide. Members can vote for both districts.

Thank you, Mary Stocker

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