Block Group 1, which includes portions of Roy and Verboort. Map courtesy of Census Reporter.
VERBOORT – Interested in the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census? The Gales Creek, Roy and Verboort Community Participation Organization 13 meeting on Wednesday, December 11 will host a presentation covering the census in Washington County.
Amanda Garcia-Snell, Washington County Community Engagement Manager, will give the census presentation as part of CPO 13’s regular meeting, held at the Visitation Parish Center in Verboort at 7 p.m.
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A full agenda can be found here.
The decennial census, the federal accounting of the U.S. population and demographics, is being undertaken now, with local and federal agencies working to train and hire temporary staff, ensure a number of legal questions are hammered out, and more as the date of the official census questionnaires being delivered draws close.
Census data is used by governments, nonprofit organizations, businesses, and researchers to determine any number of things, such as future transportation needs, where to locate new offices, and how many representatives a state is given in the U.S. House of Representatives.
An example of a visualization of census data for the city of Banks
Oregon is expected to gain one new seat in the Oregon House of Representatives based on projections of the 2020 census, bringing the total number of representatives to six.
More information on the census can be found on the Washington County census website.
The Visitation Parish Center is located at 4317 NW Visitation Road in Verboort.
CPO 13 is a nonpartisan volunteer-led county organization that interfaces with Washington County to discuss land-use and other issues of importance to their community; CPO 13 meets monthly, alternating between Gales Creek and Verboort, with occasional meetings held in Roy as well.
For more information on CPO 13, visit their website.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.