The Gales Creek Church of God. File photo taken Sept. 10, 2019 by Chas Hundley
GALES CREEK – After a summer hiatus, the volunteer-led Community Participation Organization 13 — referred to as CPO 13 —will hold their first meeting of the season in Gales Creek on Wednesday, September 11 at 7 p.m.
On the agenda is a discussion about emergency and disaster preparedness, led by Forest Grove Fire & Rescue staff.
The meeting will begin with a public safety update from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, if a deputy is available, as well as public safety updates from Forest Grove Fire & Rescue.
Other topics include a time reserved for community members to bring any item to the community group, as well as opportunities to give a signal boost to local events during the community calendar portion of the meeting.
More information can be found at the CPO 13 web page on the Washington County website.
The Gales Creek Church of God is located at 9170 NW Sargent Road in downtown Gales Creek.
CPO 13 is a nonpartisan volunteer-led county organization that interfaces with Washington County to discuss land-use and other issues of importance to their community; CPO 13 meets monthly, alternating between Gales Creek and Verboort, with occasional meetings held in Roy as well.
Past meetings have included presentations from local nonprofits, government agencies, round table discussions on items of community concern, recreational trail updates, and candidate forums for a variety of elected positions.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.