Dorman Pond in Gales Creek. Photo: Chas Hundley
SALEM – A free fishing weekend will return to Oregon this weekend on Saturday and Sunday, August 17 & 18.
On those days, fishing, crabbing, and clamming is free to all residents and non-residents, meaning no fishing licenses or tags, including a Combined Angling Tag or Columbia River Basin Endorsement are required.
Regular rules and regulations apply, such as bag limits, size restrictions, and closures.
Looking for some fishing tips? ODFW puts out a weekly recreation report, found at The report, updated weekly on Wednesdays, includes a rundown of hunting and fishing prospects, fire regulations and closures, and stocking schedules.
Of note, the following fihing tips for the free fishing weekend are highlighted by Oregon’s fish and wildlife agency:
–Trout anglers should focus on areas where summer water temperatures are cooler – lakes at higher elevations and the upper reaches of rivers and streams.
–Tuna fishing at several ports has been terrific lately. The fish are in relatively close and there are plenty of commercial charters for would-be anglers that don’t own a boat or gear.
–Bass fishing is great for beginners and chances are there’s a place to fish nearby. This time of year, bass fishing (both small- and largemouth) can be good in ponds, rivers and reservoirs throughout the state.
–Ocean salmon fishing has been good throughout the season and now those ocean fish are moving into the Buoy 10 fishery, where many are being caught.
ODFW has created a new map that shows — complete with little fish icons — stocking locations.
Locally, Dorman Pond, located in Gales Creek near the junction of Highways 6 and 8, was stocked in the spring with more than 4,000 legal size trout.
Vernonia Lake was stocked with more than 10,000 legal size trout this spring.
Hagg Lake was last stocked in late May with 4,000 legal size trout, though 200 trophy fish are expected to be placed in the man-made lake in early September.
The last Free Fishing dates for 2019 are November 29-30.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.