Event, Fishing, Oregon

Free Fishing Weekend is June 5 and 6

Hagg Lake. File photo: Chas Hundley, August 3, 2020

Free Fishing Weekend will return to Oregon on Friday & Saturday, June 5 and 6, the second of three such “Free Fishing Weekends” to be held in 2021.

On those days, fishing, crabbing, and clamming is free to all residents and non-residents, meaning no fishing licenses or tags, including a Combined Angling Tag or Columbia River Basin Endorsement are required.

Traditionally, the free fishing weekends are accompanied by Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife-sponsored fishing events, but all have been canceled since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. 

ODF&W has compiled a number of angling resources, including a list of 50 fishing locations within one hour of Portland, a list which includes Gales Creek’s 8-acre Dorman Pond on Highway 6, a list of family-friendly fishing areas throughout the state, a weekly recreation report, and a trout stocking schedule. Dorman Pond was last stocked in the first week of May, though ODF&W cautioned that the stocking schedule may not be up-to-date in the Willamette Zone. 

According to the 2021 fishing regulations, anglers can keep up to two trout at least eight inches in length from May 22 to October 31 in tributaries of the Tualatin River, such as West Fork Dairy Creek. For the rest of the year, the stream is open to catch-and-release only. Above the Highway 47 bridge in Gaston, anglers are restricted to artificial flies and lures.

ODFW has created a map that shows — complete with little fish icons — stocking locations and popular fishing locations throughout the state.

Check with the local jurisdiction that maintains or owns the body of water you plan on fishing for any closures due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The final Free Fishing Weekend of 2021 will be Thanksgiving Weekend, November 26-27.

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Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.

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