A former Timber resident recently celebrated attaining the highest rank in the Scouts BSA program, completing all requirement to earn the Eagle Scout rank.
August Sewell, a member of Troop 581, located in Banks, was awarded the Eagle badge at a ceremony in September, Troop 581 Scoutmaster Cliff Cottam said in a press release. Sewell finished all of the rank’s requirements in July. August’s parents are Aaron and Kandis Sewell.
“He truly embodies the principles of the Scout Oath and Law and incorporates these principles into his everyday life,” the press release issued by Cottam read.
To earn the rank of Eagle, a scout must, after earning several prerequisite ranks, earn at least 21 merit badges, serve in their troop’s leadership, and complete an Eagle project, followed by an in-depth board of review, where the Eagle candidate is questioned by a several-member panel of adult volunteers.
Sewell’s Eagle project involved leading volunteers in building a Little Free Library near Greenville City Park in Banks. Along the way, he had to navigate gaining permission from the landowner and the Arbor Village Homeowners Association, design and place the library, and raise funds for the project. The library can be found near the gazebo between Irvington Court and Courtside Court on NW Arborpark Loop.

“The ultimate goal is to provide experiential learning and personal growth for the individual,” the press release said.
Sewell began his scouting experience in Banks at age 7, joining the local Cub Scout pack, where he eventually attained the highest award in that younger level organization, the Arrow of Light award.
His accolades include election into scouting’s honor society, the Order of the Arrow, 30 merit badges, service as his troop’s Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader and Order of the Arrow Guide, and more. Since turning 18, Sewell has also moved into an adult leadership role, aiding in Troop 581’s summer camp experience and serving as an assistant scoutmaster.
Sewell, who graduated from Banks High School this summer, is now studying the lineman trade in Idaho.
For more information about the Scouting program in the wider Banks region, contact Cliff Cottam at 503-809-2742.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.