After many twists and turns, the Banks City Council is back to a full board, selecting former Mayor Stephanie Jones from a slate of four candidates who had submitted themselves for consideration to fill a term vacated by now-Mayor Marsha Kirk, who resigned the seat to become mayor.
That slate dropped to three after Debra Berry, who had previously lost an election to be on the council in November and sought a prior empty council seat in December was a no-show.
Former Banks Mayor Stephanie Jones’ second term as mayor ended two weeks ago on Dec. 31. Now, the former mayor is back, this time to fill the remainder of the city council term of the person who unseated her in November’s election, Marsha Kirk.
The term lasts through Dec. 31, 2026.
Jones lost her bid for a third two-year term term as mayor, losing by exactly 100 votes to Kirk, who won 463 votes to Jones’ 363. A small cohort of Banks voters, 19 in total, opted to write in a different name.
In a game of city council musical chairs, Kirk was required to resign her city council seat β Position #CC1 βto become mayor. Kirk was sworn in for her two-year term Tuesday night and presided over the interviews for Jones and the three other candidates who filled out applications to be a city councilor.
Kirk was sworn in for her two-year term Tuesday night, along with returning city councilors Pete Edison, Don Giannetti, and Marilyn McCalister and presided over the interviews for Jones and the two other candidates who filled out applications to be a city councilor and showed up, April Cannon and Megan Blake.
“I’m grateful to be able to continue serving the city,” Jones said to the Banks Post shortly after being sworn in.
While Kirk led the interview process, with questions from the other council members, Kirk could not vote on the candidate ultimately selected.
Per the city’s charter, the mayor only votes in case of a tie, and with a seat vacant, that left five councilors voting. Barring an abstention, an odd number leaves a tie impossible, so Kirk was helpless to prevent the return of her one-time political opponent.
To select their favored candidate, councilors made an informal vote and then, once a top candidate had been selected, unanimously approved Jones to fill the vacant seat.
In the first round of voting, listed privately on paper ballots, Jones received two votes, Megan Blake received two, and April Cannon received one vote.
With Cannon out, a runoff between Jones and Blake was held, and Jones prevailed, 3-2.
Jones was sworn into office, after just two weeks away from city governance, and the rest of the Banks City Council meeting began.
This story has been updated with a statement from Councilor Stephanie Jones.
Jones served two terms as mayor, not one as originally written. The Banks Post regrets the error.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.