Event, Fishing, Oregon

Fishing is free Saturday & Sunday, Feb. 13 and 14

Hagg Lake. File photo: Chas Hundley, August 3, 2020

Free Fishing Weekend will return to Oregon on Friday & Saturday, February 13 & 14, the first of four such “Free Fishing Weekends” to be held in 2021.

On those days, fishing, crabbing, and clamming is free to all residents and non-residents, meaning no fishing licenses or tags, including a Combined Angling Tag or Columbia River Basin Endorsement are required.

“Make fishing part of your President’s Day Weekend/Valentine’s Day plans,”

With Washington County allowing indoor dining beginning Friday, February 12, it’s possible some will opt to celebrate Valentine’s Day — a romantic holiday commemorating Saint Valentine, who was allegedly beaten and beheaded in Rome in the 3rd century— with food and drink, but another option is to skip tradition in a year when traditions have been shattered anyway and head outdoors with your date.

However, would-be anglers should be aware of inclement weather throughout the region.

There are usually a host of free fishing events that coincide with the weekend, all of which have been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Regular rules and regulations apply, such as bag limits, size restrictions, and closures.

ODFW has created a map that shows — complete with little fish icons — stocking locations and popular fishing locations throughout the state. However, fish stocking schedules have been disrupted due to damage and lost fish from the 2020 Labor Day fires throughout the state, ODF&W said.

Check with the local jurisdiction that maintains or owns the body of water you plan on fishing for any closures due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.

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