File photo: Chas Hundley
Washington County transitioned today to a new emergency alert system—used to notify county residents during fires, floods, for missing persons notices and the like—called Everbridge.
Washington County officials encouraged residents to sign up for the service; those previously signed up on the old system will need to sign up for Everbridge to be able to receive alerts.
“Getting emergency alerts gives you power to act quickly. It could save your life and the lives of your loved ones,” the county noted in a press release.
Visit to get signed up.
Options to receive emergency alerts include landline phones, text messages to a cell phone, a mobile application, and more.
The county said that through Everbridge, the county and local first responder agencies can issue alerts down to the neighborhood level.
“Individuals who sign up will be alerted and receive critical information quickly in situations like severe weather, critical utility outages like boil water notices, missing persons, evacuations and other public safety situations,” the county said.
With today’s switchover, the county joins the statewide alert and warning program, OR-Alert.
Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.