CORONAVIRUS, Crime, Washington County

County Dispatch: Blood drives, poaching, coronavirus

A recent blood drive in Forest Grove. Photo: Chas Hundley

Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirusOregon Health Authority resourcesWashington County resourcesOregonian reporting on the coronavirusOPB glossary of coronavirus termsNYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus

This week’s installment of the county dispatch – quick hits that you should read, that we want to write about, but don’t have the staff and time to fully dive into. 

County extends COVID-19 emergency declaration

On Tuesday, April 7, the Washington County Board of Commissioners voted to extend the previous emergency declaration to April 21. 

The new declaration continues the actions from the previous declaration, which was originally declared March 4, according to a press release from the county. 

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County COVID-19 Cases

As of Wednesday, April 8, the most recent time numbers were reported, the Oregon Health Authority reported that in Washington County, there were 295 positive COVID-19 tests, 3,195 negative tests, with six county residents reported to have died with the coronavirus.

Oregon State Police are seeking help in three regional poaching cases – two in Washington Co., one in Columbia Co.

BANKS – Oregon State Police Fish & Wildlife Troopers are seeking public help after a cow elk was killed and left to waste north of Banks on private forestland near NW Sellers Road and NW Davidson Road.

According to a press release from the Oregon State Police, the cow elk was discovered on Thursday, April 2. The property owner where the elk was found reported hearing gunshots in the area on April 1. 

OSP is requesting that anyone with information about the case contact Trooper Ben Turner by calling the TIP Hotline: 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP(677) or TIP E-Mail: [email protected], which is monitored Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Other poaching cases in the region have cropped up in the past weeks, according to the Oregon State Police. 

Near Vernonia, a cow elk was discovered on Saturday, March 28 on Weyerhaeuser property off Clear Creek Road near Timber Road. Police believe it had been killed close to the time of discovery. 

Workers reported seeing a dark colored pickup truck with a white canopy driving in the area close to when the elk was discovered. Police say that, according to eyewitnesses, the pickup turned around and drove away when seen by workers. Those with information in this case are also asked to leave information for Trooper Ben Turner.

On Monday, March 23, park rangers at the county-owned Scoggins Valley Park/Henry Hagg Lake discovered a small freshly field-dressed deer near boat launch C close to near the intersection of Scoggins Valley Road and Herr Road.

It is neither deer season, nor is hunting allowed on park property, and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said that no roadkill recovery permits were submitted for the area.

Those with information in that case are asked to leave information for Trooper Tayler Jerome.

How to Report a Wildlife and/or Habitat Law Violation or Suspicious Activity

TIP Hotline: 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP(677); TIP email: [email protected] (monitored Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

In addition to cash rewards from the Oregon Hunters Association TIP reward fund, the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife announced on October 1, 2018 that people who provide information on the unlawful take or possession or waste of big game (deer, elk, moose, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, antelope, bear, cougar, or wolf) that leads to a conviction or citation are eligible for big game preference points, used in lottery draws for controlled big game hunts in Oregon.

This new program resulted from the passage of HB 3158 by the Oregon State Legislature in 2017.

For more information, read the full program details at

Preference Point Rewards:

* 5 Points-Bighorn Sheep

* 5 Points-Rocky Mountain Goat

* 5 Points-Moose

* 5 Points-Wolf

* 4 Points-Elk

* 4 Points-Deer

* 4 Points-Antelope

* 4 Points-Bear

* 4 Points-Cougar


* $1,000 Bighorn Sheep, Rocky Mountain Goat and Moose 

* $500 Elk, Deer and Antelope 

* $300 Bear, Cougar and Wolf 

* $300 Habitat Destruction

* $200 Illegally Obtaining License/Tag(s)

* $200 Unlawful Lend/Borrow Big Game Tags(s) 

* $100 Upland Birds and Waterfowl 

* $100 Furbearers 

* $100 Game Fish and Shellfish

Banks Fire District will host blood drive May 5

During the coronavirus pandemic, the Red Cross has faced a shortage of blood supplies, especially with high schools — a significant source of their donations — closed across the country.

According to the Red Cross, the Banks Fire District will host a blood drive on Tuesday, May 5 from 12:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the district offices in Banks (13430 NW Main Street).

To sign up for a donation, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS.

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Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.

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