Banks, Government, News

City seeks applicants to fill vacant Banks City Council seat

The city of Banks announced it is accepting applications for citizens interested in becoming a city councilor.

The person would fill the position left open by the recent resignation of Erica Harold-Heine, which expires on December 31, 2022. 

Interested applications must have lived inside the Banks city limits for the last 12 consecutive months and be a registered voter. They must fill out the SEL 101 form, according to City Recorder Angie Lanter, which asks for information such as employment, education, and prior government experience. It’s the same form used by candidates seeking election to public office.

“We ask that they make an appointment to meet with the City Manager to get a brief overview of the duties of council, time commitment, etc. and to answer any questions they may have about serving on council, the role of the city council, or the city in general,” Lanter said in an email to the Banks Post.

After the form is returned and Lanter has confirmed the candidate’s eligibility for the office, an interview with Mayor Stephanie Jones and Council President Mark Gregg is scheduled. Following the interview, Jones makes a recommendation to the city council for appointment to fill the vacant seat.

With an election for the seat coming up in November, it could be a short, or even non-existent term. Following the resignation in 2019 of long-time civil servant and City Councilor Teri Branstitre, council considered leaving the position open until the next election before finally choosing former councilor Mike Lyda after rejecting five other applicants to fill the remainder of her term five months after her resignation. 

Completed applications must be received at Banks City Hall no later than 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. 

Interested citizens can schedule an in-person appointment to pick up application materials at city hall by contacting Banks City Manager Jolynn Becker at 503-324-5112 or by sending an email to [email protected].

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