Oregon’s getting better at preventing and responding to wildfires, experts said Thursday, but much more still needs to be done.
Local firefighters still helping at Texas wildfires
Fire crews from the Oregon Department of Forestry, including one local firefighter based out of the Forest Grove District, are still in Texas as of Monday, helping other fire agencies battle deadly wildfires that have wracked the state.
Morning update: Fire stopped near Glenwood, stop calling 911 for smoke
A sign on Highway 6 noting “Extreme” fire danger on Wednesday, September 9, 2002. Photo: Chas Hundley As wildfires rage across Oregon for a third day, here are some quick updates. — Fire danger is still extreme, and a red flag warning remains in effect until 8 p.m. today. IFPL[Read More…]
National dispatch: Five airtankers join Oregon fleet, Oregon is granted coronavirus disaster declaration by feds
United States Capitol. Photo: Chas Hundley Coronavirus resources: CDC on the coronavirus, Oregon Health Authority resources, Washington County resources, Oregonian reporting on the coronavirus, OPB glossary of coronavirus terms, NYTimes free reporting on the coronavirus. Feds grant Oregon disaster declaration The White House issued a disaster declaration in the state of Oregon on March 29, retroactive[Read More…]