Block Group 1, which includes portions of Roy and Verboort. Map courtesy of Census Reporter. VERBOORT – Interested in the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census? The Gales Creek, Roy and Verboort Community Participation Organization 13 meeting on Wednesday, December 11 will host a presentation covering the census in Washington County. Amanda[Read More…]
CPO 13
CPO 13 will host Washington Co. District 4 commissioner Jerry Willey at Feb. 13 meeting
Photo: Jerry Willey GALES CREEK – The monthly meeting of the Community Participation Organization 13 (CPO 13)—which represents Gales Creek, Verboort, Roy and surrounding communities—will host recently elected District 4 commissioner Jerry Willey on Wednesday, February 13 at 7 p.m. at the Gales Creek Church of God. CPO meetings are[Read More…]