Banks High School, Banks Middle School, Drama

Banks Middle School produces ‘The Trials of Robin Hood’

Ellis Cain, 7th grade student playing Prince John. Photo: Chas Hundley

BANKS – The Banks Middle School drama class will join with Banks High School drama club members to produce ‘The Trials of Robin Hood,’ a comedic retelling of the classic English legend.

Two performances will be held, one on Friday, March 15 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, March 16 at 2 p.m., both in the Banks High School cafeteria. Tickets are $5.

The Trials of Robin Hood explores the legendary outlaw’s tale through three viewpoints, Robin Hood, Maid Marian, and the Sheriff of Nottingham, according to Connor McCutchen, an 8th grade student at Banks Middle School. McCutchen plays two versions of Robin Hood, the role he auditioned for.

He and his fellow classmates, along with a handful of older members of the cast and crew from the high school’s drama club have been hard at work practicing and learning together, taking entire class periods and after school rehearsals to polish the show, according to Madalyn Hatcher.

Hatcher teaches the 26 students in the middle school’s drama class and serves as drama coach for the Banks High School drama club members.

“I think a lot of them are very skilled, and I’m glad to be working with them,” said McCutchen, of his fellow cast and crew members.

Left to right: Samantha Segers, 8th grade, playing William Church and Billy; Connor McCutchen, 8th grade, playing Robin Hood and Silly Robin Hood; Ellis Cain (back) 7th grade, playing Prince John; Jasmine Kueber, 8th grade, playing Will Scarlett (Merry Man), also the student costume designer; Sabina Bair, 8th grade, playing the Sheriff of Nottingham. Photo: Chas Hundley

Because of the partnership between the two schools, students at the high school are able to mentor students from the middle school, a dynamic that creates learning opportunities for both.

It’s not just the students who are involved, though. Hatcher said that parent volunteers play a part in the program’s success, too, assisting with set building and painting, among other things.

‘I try to give [the students] as much responsibility as I can and still get the work done,” Hatcher said.

Community members can get involved, too. A list of supplies needed was supplied by Hatcher:

Stick horses (at least 4)

More chicken wire

Gift cards to Amazon or Goodwill (to be used to purchase costumes or props)

Leftover house paint (any color)

Cloaks (any color)

Nun and Monk costumes 

Scrap wood – 2×4’s, 2×6’s, or any kind of plywood

Extra fabric or ribbon – to make costumes

Yellow/Gold contact paper 

Wooden cart or wooden wheelbarrow

A nice wooden chair we could turn into a throne 

As for the performance itself,

As for the production, those wishing to attend could come to view the hard work of the students, each of whom will put in from 40-90 hours for the show, or, as McCutchen put it, you could come for what he says is his elevator pitch for the show.

“There’s gonna be an awesome fight scene.”

Contact Madalyn Hatcher at [email protected] with questions or prop donations.

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Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.

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