Banks, Crime, Police Log

Banks March 2019 Police Log

Two Washington County Sheriff’s Office vehicles parked in front of the City of Banks Public Works building. Photo: Chas Hundley

NW Wilkes St – Harassment: Deputies were called to the apartment complex because of a fight. Deputies arrived on scene and determined the male suspect hit the male victim in the mouth due to a racial slur directed at the male suspect’s music. The male victim had a bloody lip as a result of the fight. The male suspect was arrested for harassment and transported to the Washington County Jail. 

NW Bellingham Ct – Welfare Check: A male called the Kaiser help line as he felt he may be suicidal. A nurse with Kaiser called dispatch and requested a welfare check be conducted due to his statements of self harm. The nurse reported that the male was afraid he would drive his car and purposefully crash his car. I arrived on scene and spoke with the male. The male initially declined being suicidal but requested a ride to the hospital. While driving the male to the ER, I asked him when the last time he had tried to kill himself. The male replied, “This morning.” I asked him if he was still feeling suicidal. The male hung his head and stated, “Yes.” The male was left in the care of Kaiser Hospital staff on a Police Officer Mental Hold (POH). 

NW Main St – Criminal Mischief: An employee with Mid-Columbia Bus called to report that the garden hose that is stored outside had been cut and the spray nozzle stolen. The employee said the damage had occurred sometime over the weekend as the hose was found in the morning when they arrived at work. 

NW Main St – Criminal Mischief: An employee with Mid-Columbia Bus called to report that the fuel line on one of the buses had been cut. The employee reported that they ensured the bus was full of fuel for the High School to use for a trip to Hops Stadium for an event. The employee said when they arrived at work in the morning after the trip, they noticed that the fuel gage was on “E”. The employee said they had taken the bus to get fuel and noticed that the fuel pump read nearly 40gal when the tank only holds 33gal. The bus employee and gas station employee then realized that fuel had spilled on the ground. When they climbed under the bus to investigate, they saw that the fuel line had been cut. 

NW Main St/NW Trellis Wy – DUII: A driver was called in by witnesses as a suspected DUI driver. The responding deputy had later located the car in the parking lot of Main Street Pizza. The deputy learned that the driver of the car was drinking a pitcher of beer while playing video poker. The deputy stayed in the area saw the car and driver leave the parking lot, almost causing a crash. The deputy stopped the car and contacted the male driver. The deputy could smell a strong odor of alcohol on the driver’s breath. The deputy asked the driver to do SFSTs which he failed. The driver was arrested for DUII and transported to the Washington County Jail where he offered a breath sample of 0.19. 

NW Elkshire Ct – Runaway: A mother called to report that her high school aged foster daughter had not come home from school. The daughter later (about 24-36hr) returned home on her own. 

NW Wilkes St – Unwanted: The male that was arrested earlier in the month for harassment had returned on a Friday night and was subsequently trespassed from the location. The following morning, the male returned uninvited. Deputies arrived on scene and took the male into custody for trespassing. The male was transported to the Washington County Jail where he was lodged. 

NW Main St – Suspicious Vehicle: In the very early morning hours, a deputy was driving around Banks and noticed a car in the parking lot of Jim’s Thriftway. The car appeared to be out of place, so the deputy investigated further. The deputy saw that there were two people sleeping in the car. The deputy was able to identify the subjects and learned that the male was wanted out of Cornelius for theft. The male was taken into custody and transported to the Washington County Jail. 

NW Sunset Ave – Harassment: A male called to report that a former racing teammate was harassing him and threatening him. The male said the teammate became upset after a mandatory driver’s meeting at the race track. The teammate was mad because of one of the rules and became irate after the team refused to “back him up”. The teammate continually called making vague threats. The male asked that the teammate be trespassed from his business and home in FG. 

NW Broadshire Ln – Theft: Several yard decorations and ornaments with stolen during the night hours. Although the victim has a video system, the items were taken from an area where the cameras cannot see. 

NW Oak Way – Welfare Check: A wife called to report that her husband was angry and suicidal. Deputies arrived on scene and learned that there have been ongoing marital issues and the wife had just asked for a divorce causing the male to become upset. It was initially reported that the male may be suicidal as he was placing his guns in his car. Deputies were able to determine that although the male has suffered from depression, he was not suicidal at the time. The deputies asked the male if he would be willing to leave the guns at home in the safe while he went to “cool off”. The male agreed and the deputies left the guns with the wife. 

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