A monthly column produced by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.
Reporting a Crime
If you SEE something, SAY something! Communicating what you see is key to preventing or deterring crime and helps us keep everyone safe! By reporting what you see, we can watch for trends in suspicious activity and adjust patrols.
If you witness an emergency or crime in progress, call 9-1-1. If you observe a crime that has already occurred, you can call our non-emergency dispatch at 502-629-0111. Examples of a non-emergency call includes abandoned vehicles, suspicious persons or vehicles, or stolen packages.
It’s important to remember, while we often post information and safety tips to social media, we cannot monitor posts through social media platforms by others; please do not report suspicious or criminal activity through these channels.
When reporting, there are many details you can provide that assist us.
- Location of incident – Where did it happen?
- Subject(s) description – Who was involved? What do they look like?
- Vehicle description – Make/Model, color, any identifiable features.
- Sequence of events – What happened?
We strive to provide you with the high level of service you deserve. So, if you see something,
please say something. By working together, we can keep our neighborhoods safe! We are here
to help!
Ask WCSO is produced by the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.

Chas Hundley is the editor of the Banks Post and sister news publications the Gales Creek Journal and the Salmonberry Magazine. He grew up in Gales Creek and has a cat.