Banks city hall. Photo: Brenda Schaffer
BANKS – The City of Banks now is accepting nominations for the 2019 Banks Citizenship Award.
The city’s announcement that nominations are being accepted says citizens and residents of the surrounding area who meet one or more of the following criteria are eligible for those who:
–Exemplify a life dedicated to the Banks way of hard work, self-improvement and community service
–Embody the spirit of philanthropy while showing a remarkable commitment in both their personal and professional lives to improving the City of Banks
–Preserve, celebrate and promote the richness of history, tradition, and values permeating Banks
–Share gifts with the community to boost recognition of the city
The 2019 Banks Citizenship Award marks the eighth time the relatively-new community tradition will celebrate one of Banks’ own who makes a difference in people’s lives, minds and spirits, but who don’t necessarily seek attention for his or her good deeds otherwise.
The past award winners from 2012-2018 are Jim Hough, Kathie Jackson and Jim Lucas, Raymond Deeth, Mark Ward, Marion Steinbach, Mel and Becky Clark, and Shirley Javorsky.
Nomination information and forms for the Banks Citizenship Award are available on the city’s website and at city hall, located at 13680 NW Main Street.
Nominations are due September 27, 2019, and the winning candidate will be notified by phone after October 31. The award will be presented November 12 at the Banks City Council meeting.
For more information click here.