Dispatches from History: ‘Road to sea’ debate falters on January 15, 1925
Dr. Robert Pamplin concedes he raided his employees’ pension fund
CPO 13 meeting notice Jan. 15, 2025

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Dispatches from History: ‘Road to sea’ debate falters on January 15, 1925
A decision on a route from western Washington County to the coast hit a roadblock (heh) in 1925. This and more in the news of a century ago.
Dr. Robert Pamplin concedes he raided his employees’ pension fund
On Dec. 26, Dr. Robert Pamplin Jr., 83, settled a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Department of Labor to resolve allegations he treated his company’s pension fund like a piggy bank, selling overvalued company real estate to unwitting pensioners.
CPO 13 meeting notice Jan. 15, 2025
The Roy, Gales Creek and Verboort CPO will meet in Banks Wednesday to hear from Forest Grove Fire & Rescue Chief Jim Geering on how mutual aid agreements work.